Friday, August 14, 2009

Wedding celebrations

The most important event of our year in Barcelona didn't take place in Barcelona. We are just back to Barcelona from Alan and Meredith's wedding in Ohio.

I have only backstage pictures, as it were, since I was otherwise occupied at the wedding itself, the reception, and much of the rehearsal dinner.

On Thursday before the wedding the Birminghams invited over the Brenners.
Dan manned the barbecue.

Pat and Judy compared notes, or some such.
Alan wrestled a lawn game into submission, to the amusement of Lauren, Robert, and Trisha.
And eventually the games began.

I didn't take pictures of the wedding, but did get a few of the rehearsal the next day. [The wedding was in the gardens of Stan Hywet Hall, built by a founder of Goodyear.]

The wedding party took their places, checked the script, and rehearsed.

Confirmation that the wedding was on the next day's schedule (along with Romeo and Juliet!).
After the rehearsal, the rehearsal dinner, in the beautiful setting of Akron's Furnace Run Metropark.
As both families and friends gathered and greeted. Alan, Lauren and Chris, and Katherine and Meredith.
Meredith's grandmothers on the patio at the pavilion.
Doug had a story for Meredith.Robert took his duties as Best Man seriously - including, after the wedding, the thorough decoration of the married couple's car.
So here's to the happy couple, as they begin married life.